Saturday, February 6, 2016

Life Along the Way--- DC Metro, August 2015

Observations from the Metro: (DC's subway)

People cram on the trains and immediately disappear into a black hole of silence. They read, play some kind of game akin to Candy Crush, but rarely talk to one another. Most will look away if you establish eye contact. I'm sure it is a defense mechanism from the hard knocks and weird people in a big city.

Their faces simply say, 'I'm tired. I'm beat'
Their faces are blank, stoney, drab.

Today, I noticed a young black professional woman offer her seat to and older black woman. And immediately, a white man about my age got up and offered his seat to the young woman. The two women, seated beside one another, conversed freely and the man stood beside them holding on to the top rail, smiling at times, as his act made him part of this small cell of compassion and kindness too.

Eph 4:32---Be kind to one another.

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